STM32-based Virtual Frequency Counter

Download v21.02
– Measurement Tool for Windows
– Firmware for supported platforms



Supported hardware platforms

Microcontroller/kit Firmware filename Time base source Wiring
STM32F042F6 (stand-alone) fw-STM32F042F6-USB_CDC internal HSI oscillator, continuously tuned from USB timing, or 8MHz crystal between pins 2, 3 (detected at start-up) here
NUCLEO-F042K6 fw-STM32F042K6-VCP internal HSI oscillator or 8MHz crystal between pins D7, D8 (detected at start-up) here
NUCLEO-F303RE fw-STM32F303RE on-board crystal here

The firmware is supplied in BIN, HEX and ELF formats.

Supported operating systems

OS Binary build provided Driver installation necessary?
Windows 10 yes none
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 yes maybe (see below)
Windows XP yes yes (see below)
macOS 10.12 or later no none
Linux 3.0 or later no none

Installation on Windows Vista/7/8/8.1

Windows Vista should automatically install the required driver provided by STMicroelectronics through Windows Update.

Installation on Windows XP

Windows XP doesn’t ship with a USB CDC driver. It is recommended to use the STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver. After installing this package, the device should be recognized automatically.

Installation on Linux

No driver is required on Linux-based systems, however it may be necessary to add a udev rule to make the device accessible to non-root users.

The location of udev configuration varies with distribution. For example, on Fedora 32 a file can be created at /etc/udev/rules.d/99-virtualcounter.rules with the following contents:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5740", \

This ensures that the operating system will not attempt to use the device as a data modem and that the device will be available to all users.

More documentation
